Anders Johansson ude af Stratovarius igen

Det var da også lige godt s..... Det er ikke mere end et par uger siden at Jens Johansson's bror, Anders, kom med i det nye line-up i Stratovarius før han nu igen er ude. Ifølge Timo Tolkki lyder det således:

"He gave me a call and said that he doesn't want to join the band
permanently and that he is happy to be in Hammerfall playing True Metal.

Since I am looking for a permanent member, we agreed in good spirits to go separate ways.

I am very disappointed that he didn't want to join STRATOVARIUS permanently, but at the same time I wish him and the Hammerfall guys well and best of luck with their career.

I suspect that the decision of Anders has something to do with my reputation. I can understand him very well, I wouldn't join a band in which I would be playing in. I have already contacted a Finnish drummer and I hope I can announce his name very soon."