Pyramaze offentliggør ny sanger
For et page siden blev touren med Volbeat offentliggjort, og nu er det tid til at løfte sløret for Matt Barlow's efterfølger i Pyramaze. Urban breed (ex-Tad Morose) er nu med i folden som forsanger. Michael Kammeyer udtaler:
After auditioning some really good singers during the last couple of months, we have finally found a new band-brother -none other than singer extraordinaire Urban breed (ex-Tad Morose) has joined our ranks, and we are all very excited. Urban is well known for his powerful voice, stage presence and great diversity. We welcome Urban into the band, and we hope that our fantastic fans will approve of this choice too. Trust us when we say there's no one better to fill out the big shoes left by his predecessors.
Og et statement fra Urban breed:
I am very pleased to join ranks with the great guys and talented musicians of Pyramaze. I'm looking forward to the challenge of filling those big shoes and working with these guys live and in the studio. I think we have a lot to offer each other, and I hope Pyramaze fans are as excited as we are to hear us working together.
Via kildelinket kan du høre et par samples af Urban breed's tidligere værker.
Kommentarer (1)
Claus Westh Ljørring
Indlæg: 378
Som jeg ser og hører det, så
Som jeg ser og hører det, så er Urban Breed en mere passende forsanger for Pyramaze end Matt B. Det skal dog ikke siges at Matt B. ikke er en superb forsanger, syntes bare ikke hans vocal mindede om Pyramaze stilen desværre. Dog stadigvæk trist over de mistede Lance. Hans vocal var super til Pyramaze.
MEN MEN MEN.... det bliver så sandelig glimragende at hører dem i DK igen og denne gang som special Guest til VOLBEAT.. uha uha....