Sacrificial bliver en trio
Besætningen i danske Sacrificial er skrumpet. Forsanger John Hansen og guitarist Asmus Thomsen har været en del af de danske Thrash pionerer i mere end 10 år, men har nu valgt at forlade bandet, hovedsageligt pga. geografiske årsager:
"1) It's hard for John and I finding time to rehearse properly, be that alone or in the band context. John works every second weekend, which makes extensive touring or liveplaying very hard, and I do have a family to attend. Considering the distance and time required travelling between Ribe and Copenhagen my family will suffer too much - yadiyadiyadiyaaaa
2) Johns voice really needs to be used on a regular basis, and the technical skills are very important when it comes to playing guitar in Sacrificial. As Sacrificial only has rehearsed once every three months for the last year or so - well, the timing and tightness in the band has suffered severely, and we don't want to put on a half-ass show when playing live. I don't even come close to Kræns standard when playing guitar in Sacrificial - I've always been able to keep up live and play a damn good rhytm guitar - but not anymore (for the last year or so).
3) The distance and financial aspects: It's pretty damn expensive travelling from one side of the country to another - this is only a minor reason though, but still pretty important when you have a house and a child.
4) I also feel that my role in Sacrificial has changed. I've become more of a "practical pig" in Sacrificial, dealing with economy, studio, record company, concerts, homepage and so on. I've always liked that, but it's not good for the band if that's the only reason for being a member. I've felt an urge to be more involved in the songwriting process in the last years - but it's pretty hard when the songwriters are situated 300+ km's away - and I'm just not as productive as Kræn and Lukas are. But then again: Now Sacrificial can go back playing really brutal stuff, avoiding any of that sissy, girlie stuff I've contributed with :-)"
Sacrificial søger derfor en ny sanger, men det er endnu ikke besluttet om de vil søge efter en ny guitarist.