Nightrage på udkig efter nye bandmedlemmer
Svensk/græske dødsmetallere Nightrage er på jagt efter ny trommeslager samt ny guitarist.
Marios Iliopoulos skriver:
"We want guys that they are dedicated musicians and focus to be in the band for real. We want musicians from Sweden so that makes things easier for everybody. I hope you guys understand that we don't have any problems with drummers and guitarists from abroad it's just that we want to be a rehearsing band again."
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Indlæg: 180
Sjovt nok er den nye tendens,
Sjovt nok er den nye tendens, at bands går væk fra at være internationale projekter, og istedet går tilbage til øvelokalet. Nightrage bruger faktisk næsten samme ordlyd som Soilwork i deres søgen efter ny guitarist:
"We want musicians from Sweden so that makes things easier for everybody. I hope you guys understand that we don't have any problems with drummers and guitarists from abroad it's just that we want to be a rehearsing band again."
Soilwork's ordlyd:
"This has nothing to do with that we look down on guitarists or musicians outside Sweden (I bet there's a lot of guitar players that could manage the SOILWORK stuff!). As we said, we're looking for a Swede. [We] wanna be a rehearsing band again. Hope you understand!"