Adrian Smith i nyt band

Adrian Smith i nyt band

Iron Maidens guitarist Adrian Smith hard dannet et nyt projekt/band sammen med Mikee Goodman fra det progressive metalband SiktH, og der er allerede et album på vej.

Smith udtaler: "It was interesting doing this album with Mikee not least because we have quite different influences. I was really pleased with the way it turned out. It has a really fresh feel to it."

Goodman beskriver projektet således: "This album takes you on a really deep and colourful journey, lyrically and musically. Adrian and I were both very open to experimenting with each others' musical styles and influences, which we feel created something new and exciting."

Primal Rock Rebellions debut udgives d. 27/2-2012 på Spinefarm Records, og du kan høre et enkelt nummer - nemlig 'I See Lights' ved at klikke nedenstående link.