Selvbiografi of Souls

Bruce Dickinson

Iron Maiden frontmanden planlægger at skrive selvbiografi under Book of Souls verdensturnéen 2016.

Bruce Dickinson vil skrive om alt fra det søde til det sure. I den mere alvorlige ende kommer han ind på sin kamp mod kræften for nylig, men der vil også være rigeligt om livet som musiker - både med Iron Maiden og som solo artist og forretningsmanden og forfatteren Bruce Dickinson, hans interesse for fægtning og den allerstørste lidenskab, som er flyvningen!

Book of Souls turnéen starter i USA sidst i februar og vil bringe Iron Maiden til 35 forskellige lande i deres egen Boeing 747-400, som Bruce Dickinson selv har planer om at flyve, og han er pt. ved at opgradere sin pilot licens!

Det er selvfølgelig også det nemmeste, når nu man skal have 12 tons udstyr med rundt samt band og crew!

Dickinson udtaler: “When the opportunity arose from my friends at Air Atlanta Icelandicto lease a 747 for The Book of Souls World Tour, of course we jumped at the chance, who wouldn’t? The greatest benefit of travelling in a 747 is that because of its colossal size and freight capacity we can carry our stage production and all our stage equipment and desks in the cargo hold without having to make any of the immense structural modifications needed to do this on the previous 757, the extent of which fans will have noted on the Flight 666 DVD. 

Although in reality we cannot carry much more gear the savings in complexity, time and cost make using the 747 even more practical. All we will need to do is “paint” it and move a few seats around, with the added advantage that there is much more room for band and crew – our Krew can almost get a row of seats each to catch up on sleep on the flights! Furthermore, it is marginally faster 0.85 MACH and the range of around 7000NM (13,000 km) is much greater which means we will not have to make the refuelling stops we needed to with the 757."


Planerne er på nuværende tidspunkt at selvbiografien udkommer i 2017.

Tjek det spændende interview herunder med Dickinson, som fortæller om processen omkring "Book of Souls".