Ny video fra Black Stone Cherry
Amerikanske Black Stone Cherry har lagt deres nye video ud på nettet. Der er tale om videoen til nummeret "Things My Father Said". Følg kildelinket for at se videoen.
Bandet har selv udtalt følgende om videoen:
"This video means so much to us and is the most highly anticipated video we've made thus far! We would like to thank everyone who sent in photos and all of our friends and family who help make this video what it is...REAL PEOPLE...REAL EMOTION. We can't wait for this to hit TV as we feel people all over the world can connect with this song. We can honestly say that this video hits a chord in every one of our hearts, and we hope this touches you as well. To us this isn't just another music video, it's something way more special to not only the band, but to our friends, family, and fans all over the world! This is for EVERYONE!!"