Download Cryogens nye EP gratis.
Denver's Cryogen har udgivet en ny EP med titlen "Psalms Of Deceit".
Den digitale version var udgivet d. 17.02.09 som et "pay what you want" album, hvilket betyder du kan downloade albummet gratis.
Cryogen udtaler:
"We are offering our fans the opportunity to pay what they want for our new EP. That includes paying nothing. We're leaving it up to our fans to decide what the album is worth. We're leaving that decision up to each individual, and we're happy to be the first extreme metal band to do that. We feel that this is the future of music distribution and that there is no better time to do this than right now. While record labels sit in fear of losing sales to piracy, we believe it's up to independent bands, like Cryogen, to help pave a new way of distributing music."
"Psalms Of Deceit" tracklisten:
01. Faith And Suicide
02. Man Is War
03. This Nightmare
04. Omega
05. Forever Broken
06. Break These Chains
Albummet kan streames eller downloades (gratis newsletter registrering nødvendigt, hvis du skal downloade albummet gratis) via dette link:
Du kan læse alt info omkring Cryogen på deres MySpace hjemmeside:
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