Children of Bodom tvunget til aflysning

Children of Bodom

Efterdønningerne fra Paris angrebene er langtrækkende.

På grund af det maksimalt forhøjede sikkerhedsniveau i Bruxelles er alle koncerter i byen aflyst til den 30. november, og det kommer blandt andet til at gå ud over Children of Bodom og den i forvejen meget omtalte turné, hvor co-headliner Lamb of God valgte at aflyse fuldstændig.

CoB beklager og forsøger at få ombooket showet i Bruxelles til et sted i nærheden, og de andre shows vil finde sted som allerede planlagt.

Unfortunately our show in Belgium has been cancelled along with all Brussels shows through the 29th of November. This is due to the terror threat level being at a 4 until the 30th- they're forced to cancel all shows. You should know the venue did try everything to keep this show, including requesting extra security from the city, but that wasn't possible. We are grateful to them for trying. We are looking to try to get another show nearby and will let you know as soon as we have something, but you should refund your tickets to this show. All other COB shows are still happening, so come out and see you soon.